Our team

High quality dental treatment and mutual trust between the dentist and patient are our goals. Satisfied patient is our main goal.

MUDr. Lucie Burešová
Doctor of Dental Medicine
MDDr. Petra Tydor
Doctor of Dental Medicine

MUDr. Eva Müllerová
Doctor of Dental Medicine

MUDr. Alena Burešová
Doctor of Dental Medicine
Dental Assistants
Milena Andrlová
Dental Assistant, Dental Hygienist
Jana Kolmačková
Dental Assistant
Bc. Michaela Peloušková
Dental Assistant
Gabriela Stolhoferová
Our clinic
Our dental office was founded more than 25 years ago. In 1994 MUDr. Eva Müllerová founded our dental office and since 2011 her daughter MUDr. Lucie Burešová has carried on..